Jesus is my defense

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Our family often watches the old show, Perry Mason. One consistent theme in the show is that not only does Perry always prove that his client is innocent, but he also brings to light who the real criminal is.  Another thing we see often is that Perry will agree to represent a client even when they can’t afford to pay. He once accepted $0.38 from a lady because that was all she had in her purse.

It reminds me of what Jesus did and continues to do, for me.

I was thinking about that this morning as I read in Psalm 27, “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the defense of my life; whom shall I dread?”

Jesus is our defense, and he goes before the Judge (God) on our behalf. Our enemy, the devil, goes before the Father and accuses us, pointing out every flaw and sin that we have committed. But Jesus steps in and defends us because the penalty for those sins has already been paid. When Jesus died on the cross, he paid that penalty for us once and for all, so that we can be innocent in God’s eyes if we’ve accepted Jesus as our Savior.

Jesus did this for me, knowing that I could never repay him. He knew I had nothing of value to offer him, but he redeemed me anyway because he loves me that much. All I had to do, was accept his gift of salvation, give him my heart, and make him Lord of my life. I can never repay the debt I owe him for what he did. There is nothing I can do to earn his love or salvation. It’s a free gift.

Even though I can never repay him, what I can do is honor what he has done for me by loving Him, loving others, being a good steward, using my abilities to serve others, & telling others of what He has done in my life.

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