Best Hubby Ever!

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I have the best husband in the world!  Really.  Although, I’m sure many of you feel the same way about your husbands – at least I hope you do!

This year, my birthday falls on Mother’s Day.  My absolute favorite gift would be to get to sleep in, have a peaceful long quiet time, and then have some time to read and write…and that’s just what I got!

Since we go to church on Sunday, I can’t sleep in then.  We have a training class to go to tomorrow (Saturday), so that won’t work either.   So, TODAY is the day!   Rob got up, got Emily dressed and ready to go and he took her to Whole Foods this morning for a special treat (a new tradition for Mother’s Day maybe?).  I don’t know whether she’ll choose a muffin, a donut, or a cupcake for breakfast, but I know she’ll love the time with Daddy!  I also know that I love them both for the time alone.   (I later found out she had a very yummy scone!)

Don’t get me wrong…I ADORE my family! I could not think of a better job than to be a wife and mom.  I love taking care of my family, and our home.  I really do.  God has blessed me with being able to truly enjoy the role He has called me to, and I am thankful for that.   I love to cook for them, to play with Emily, even doing laundry and dishes gives me satisfaction.  I could do without cleaning the bathrooms though!  But as much as I enjoy all that, I truly enjoy some quiet time to sit, to pray, to listen to God, and to think.   To think…..that’s something you can’t do much of when all you hear is “Mommmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyy”.

Normally, on these special days when Rob lets me sleep in, and I wake up to a cup of coffee on my nightstand.  (Bliss!!) This morning – no coffee.  I assumed he got busy getting Emily up and ready to go, so after sending him a joking text message of “who moved my coffee?”, I went in the kitchen to make my own.   Guess what I found right next to the coffee maker? That’s right – a brand new coffee mug! I love my man!

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