What Will I Do?

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What will you do while Hubby is gone for 5 months? 

I’ve heard that question a lot lately.

Starting in a few days, I will spend the next 5 months without my best friend, my love, my Hubby.  He and I both agree that while we will miss each other tons, and we would choose to be together if we could, we might as well look at the silver lining too. So, while Hubby is gone, I’m planning to use my extra time in the evenings to do a few things.

* I will do some purging of our belongings and try to get rid of things that we don’t need to move with us, wherever we end up going.  I can’t pack anything because the Army will do all the packing for us when it’s time.  In fact, if I do pack it, they won’t insure it, so there’s extra motivation to leave it alone!

* Editing & purging photos. Thousands and thousands of pictures  Yea, I need to go through them.  I need to delete the extras, the bad shots, the ones I don’t want, and I need to organize them in a way that will allow me to actually FIND what I’m looking for.  Having them all in folders by the date I uploaded them is pretty useless most of the time.  I at least need them organized by month or season or something.

* Sewing.  I used to do a lot of this and have gotten away from it.  I have a list of projects I’ve been wanting to do for a while now, and I’m planning to make some time for it again.

* Keep working on my photography & Photoshop skills.  We’ve got a nice camera that one day we will get better lenses for, but until then, I have no excuse not to keep practicing with it.  I know how to do some editing with pictures, but would love to learn more about Photoshop since I know it does WAY more than I’ve dabbled in.  I don’t have any notions of doing photography as a business, but it’s something I’ve always truly loved doing, so I’d like to get even better at it.

* Of course, I will also continue to homeschool my daughter in Kindergarten and take her to various activities, playdates & field trips!

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