Visiting Hubby at Fort Sill

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We’re in the Army now! I know Hubby has been in for 28 days already, but yesterday really sealed the deal for me.  I was blessed to get a chance to visit him on post because he had a day “pass”, and while it came with lots of rules, it did allow us to spend a lot of time together.  We didn’t think we would get to see each other at all during this training course, so it was a nice surprise!

Emily and I made it a Girls Only Road Trip!  We left early Sunday morning bright and early.  Let me just say that I LOVE traveling with my daughter.  We talk some, and sing some songs, but mostly she just wants to read. So cute! We hit the library the day before the trip and loaded up on books.  She read 3 chapter books in the first hour and a half!  One of our pit stops at a gas station had a little ‘store’ inside, and she spent a few minutes petting each and every stuffed animal in the place! Then we grabbed some caramel popcorn to snack on, and got back on the road.

When we arrived on post around noon, Hubby wasn’t quite ready to meet us yet, so we wandered around the PX (Post Exchange), which would be known in the civilian world as the mall.  Inside the PX we found (among a few other things I don’t remember) a food court, a florist, a video game store, a barber shop, and AAFES (pronounced A-FEES), which is the Army & Air Force Exchange Service. This is like a huge Walmart without the grocery store, basically.  It had everything…clothes, TVs, camping equipment, toiletries, books, candles, exercise equipment, snack food, linens, etc.

Oh, and let me back up a bit to tell you a funny story   When we got out of the car at the PX, Emily (spotting someone in uniform) said “Oooh! There’s someone that’s in the Army!”.  Then, spotting another man in uniform, said “OOH! There’s someone ELSE that’s in the Army!!”.  She was SO excited!  It was precious.

Emily and I wandered around AAFES for a while until Hubby called to let us know he was there.  He said he was “out front”, so Emily and I went out front, thinking he meant outside.  He wasn’t there.  So I called to find out what he meant by “out front”. He meant outside of AAFES, but still inside the PX.  We had walked right by him, and didn’t even see him in the sea of camo!  He didn’t see us either though, so I don’t feel so bad.

At last, we were together!! Emily ran and jumped into his arms and squealed with joy!! She was so excited to see her Daddy.  I was thrilled too, but not allowed to show it with quite the enthusiasm that she was (PDA rules and all).

He looks so good, and I couldn’t help but beam with pride as I realized…really realized, that I am married to a Soldier.  He looks incredibly handsome in his uniform, and I could just see happiness on his face like he was back in his element.  I haven’t asked him about it yet, but there was just a difference about him.  I know he loved working with computers in the IT field, sure, but this is different.  He likes physical activity, he loves his country, he’s been through some of this before, and I just wonder if he felt “at home”.  I wonder if this doesn’t fit him so much better than sitting behind a desk all day.  I think it does.

We went inside AAFES to grab something Hubby needed, and then he went to get a haircut at the Barber Shop (or maybe it was the other way around?).  Either way, we then headed over to the bowling alley where we played a couple games, just relaxed and enjoyed each other’s company.  It was fun to hang out together as a family, to laugh & play, and be together again.  I couldn’t help but wish I was allowed to steal him away for a while. Unfortunately, he wasn’t even allowed to get in our vehicle during training, so there was no stealing away to be done.

We did play a bit outside the bowling alley before going in.  Emily and Hubby chased each other around the trees laughing and getting out some excess energy   We attempted to let her take our picture with our phone, and this resulted in us laughing hysterically.  The wind was crazy, so my hair kept blowing in Hubby’s face.  She kept moving, so the pictures would come out blurry.  We finally managed to get a few decent ones!

We had a great time bowling!  Emily beat me (and Hubby beat her) the first game…I just stunk!! Guess I needed to warm up, because I won the second game.  They had these super cute ramps for the kiddos that were shaped like dinosaurs!  The sweet lady at the counter said they were supposed to be for kids 3 and under, but that Em looked tiny, so she let her use it.  Eventually, she got tired of pushing it back and forth, so she did the “Granny Bowl” and rolled it between her legs.  She did that once, and it took FOR.  EV.  ER. to get to the end of the lane, but when it did….she got a STRIKE!!! Seriously! I wish I could have gotten that on video.  She was so funny because the ball would take so long to get down the lane, that she would lay down on her tummy, put her chin in her hands and watch it go.

After we were done at the bowling alley, we headed back to the PX so he could pick up a couple things he needed, grab some dinner and say our goodbyes.  I didn’t cry this time.  It was hard to say goodbye, but I was just so thankful to have had that time with him, and to know that in just a couple weeks I get to see him again for his graduation.  That time, we get even more time together as he gets a longer “pass”.

I got a video of Hubby and Emily saying goodbye with their “Noggin, Nose, Cheek, Hug & Kiss” that they normally do every night before bed.

What a wonderful day!!

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