Surrendering my Priorities

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Lately it’s become increasingly obvious to me that I’m not just suddenly going to have the time to sit down and write all the things I want to write – I need to make the time.  I need to let God prioritize my day and be mindful of my time so that I am using it effectively to do the things He has called me to do.

I have countless blog topic ideas, notes, recipes and pictures that I have saved with the intention to put them all together into something that makes sense and is worthy of being read, but time keeps getting away from me and the list just keeps growing.

I love writing, and I truly feel that it is an area where God wants to use me to reach others.  He is making very clear to me a few areas that I am to focus my time this next year, and this is one of them.  I’m thankful for that because I like knowing that I’m making a difference when I write, rather than just wasting time that I should be spending doing something else.  God is so good and has shown me over and over that this is where He wants me.  I am so humbled when someone emails me to thank me for talking about how a gluten-free/dye-free diet helps my daughter because they themselves have just been handed a diagnosis for their child and are searching for answers.  I get excited when I hear from someone that they are going through a similar situation and joining the military “later” in life and we can email back and forth sharing our feelings.  I sit in awe as I read a comment from another SPD mom that understands my daughter’s super stressful day and offers her understanding and support.

Hubby and I have talked a lot about this lately and have decided that I will take a night each week (at least that’s the goal) to get out of the house and just write.  Sure, I could just go back in the bedroom and sometimes I will, but it also helps if I leave the house so I don’t feel compelled to involve myself in whatever my husband/daughter/dog/cat is doing (my control issues are a topic for another post altogether).

So tonight, I am sitting at a local coffee shop near our new house (yes, we moved – that post is coming) working on my writing.  It’s a coffee shop I stumbled on after buying a Groupon and I am so glad I did!  It is owned by a veteran, Christian family and they have great coffee! I’m still a fan of the huge coffee chains, but whenever possible I much prefer finding the local, family owned businesses. I have a feeling that we’ll be spending some days here doing our homeschooling work, and I’m looking forward to enjoying the atmosphere quite often as I work on my writing.

This year is a year of surrender for me in many ways – letting God lead my path instead of running ahead of Him.  Surrendering my priorities to Him and focusing on the areas that He is leading me is just one more way that I can serve Him, and serve others for Him.

“Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise making the most of your time, because the days are evil.”  Ephesians 5:15-16 (NASB)

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