Strong Bonds Retreat at Myrtle Beach

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Emily and I had the privilege this past weekend of attending a retreat in Myrtle Beach! It was so fun! It was sponsored by the Army Chaplains and this one was for the spouses and kids of the deployed soldiers in our brigade. 

They paid for the hotel, and most of the meals were provided as well.  We spent 2 nights in a hotel, and had a great opportunity to get to know a lot of other women/children.  During our stay, we attended some sessions taught by the chaplains.  These focused on building effective families and how we can best do that as military spouses.  While we were in the sessions, the children were well taken care of in another room full of toys, games, & videos.  They had a great time!  We also got some craft time in and I even made a necklace and bracelet! That was fun, and I see some beading in my future. 

We also had a lot of free time, so one afternoon we headed to the beach – of course!! The next afternoon, Emily and I headed to a local tourist area called “Broadway at the Beach”.  It is full of attractions like mini golf, an aquarium, a movie theatre, a museum, ropes course, boat ride – you name it!  There are also what seemed like hundreds of stores and restaurants.  We did some window shopping and then went to Ripley’s Aquarium where they had a shark exhibit and Emily got to touch a horseshow crab – very cool!

We had an amazing time!  We both made some new friends that we are already staying in touch with, and we got to have a great little vacation together.

We are blessed!

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