Some days need a slow start

After taking a couple weeks off of our regular school schedule, I was looking forward to getting back to it today.  It’s funny because it’s so easy to get out of our routine and then it’s hard to get back to it.  Yet, both Emily and I do much better when we have a set routine and can plan ahead.

So, I got up this morning and was looking forward to having breakfast and getting started with school. Unfortunately, Emily seemed a bit “off” after getting up today.  She was very easily upset, and seemed sad.  I wondered if it was because I told her that something she’s wanting to do will have to wait until tomorrow. I kept asking her if something was bothering her, but she couldn’t find an answer.

I knew that I needed to adjust the school plan with her feeling like this.  Obviously handwriting is not going to work right now because she’ll get even more upset. When she’s “low”, her motor skills worsen which in turn frustrates her more because her perfectionism comes out stronger.

In my mind I’m thinking, 

Ok, no handwriting practice right now.  We can focus on math & science first (her favorites)”

“We’ll start with a good sensory activity to help her body and her mood”

“Hmmmm, well, let’s eat breakfast and I’ll figure it out.”

Once we were at the breakfast table, she said “I think I figured it out…I’m tired!”.

Ahhh! Well, that will do it!  I was so proud of her for figuring out what was bothering her! That’s HUGE! She seemed to have slept ok last night and she woke up at a regular time, but obviously her body wasn’t done.  So, we made a new plan! She would her eat her breakfast and then go lie down on her bed and read for 30 minutes or so.  Then we’ll try again and see how she’s feeling.

Once she gets up from reading, we’ll do some exercises and activities to wake up her body too.

As she was finishing her breakfast, I read to her our family devotional for the day.  It’s from a great book for my animal lover and it’s called My Big Book of 5 minute Devotions – Celebrating God’s World.  Today’s story was about the 3-tied sloth and PATIENCE.

I guess I needed that as much as she did.  I felt God reminding me to just be patient, and to slow down this morning.  I don’t need to rush us back into routine.  Sure, we need to get there, but it’s hard for her to transition so we might have to ease into it.  Give her grace, just as God gives me grace, and pay close attention to her needs today.

So we start at 10:00 instead of 9:00 today – big deal! We don’t punch a clock.

As long as we don’t go so slow that we start growing algae on ourselves like the sloths!

“I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry.” (Psalm 40:1)

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