Saying goodbye to our old house

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After the movers loaded all of our household goods into the truck last week, the house was extremely empty.  All that was left were the things going in our vehicles with us.  So, what to do with an empty house?


We thought a lot about how to make the last night special for Emily and how to create good memories.  She’s the type that likes to say goodbye to not only people, but inanimate objects as well, so we wanted to make sure she got the chance to say goodbye to her house, her swingset, her playhouses & her oak tree.  The swingsets and playhouses all went to friends, and the oak tree will live on to bless another family.

We decided to keep our tent behind and set it up in the living room for one last campout.  We’ve camped in our living room before and had a great time.

So, after saying goodbye to the swingset/fort…

…and the playhouses

…and the oak tree

…and leaving behind a homemade present for the birds & squirrels

…we were finally ready to set up the tent in the middle of the living room!

We played games (Charades for Kids)

Ate tacos

Acted silly

Then got good rest before hitting the road the next day

Goodbye old house! We’ll miss you, but we pray that another family will be blessed by living there just as much as we were!

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