PCS – We’ve Arrived

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We are now safe and sound in North Carolina! After 2 days of packing and loading our household goods, & 3 days of driving…we are here!!  I really want to write about the process and share pictures with you all, but I have to admit that my brain is fried! Hang in there with me for just a couple more days and I’ll update you on the whole process!

I’ll tell you all about the packing, the moving, the 3 days of driving, the hotel, the new city, and our process of finding an apartment! Oh, and our 2 hour drive around post looking for the commissary (grocery store)! Yep, 2 hours! The map and the signs were both wrong. 

We’re having a great time and loving it here so far.  I can’t wait to share it all with you.  I have to brag on our daughter! She has been AMAZING this entire time! We really worked hard to accommodate her sensory needs during the drive and throughout the entire process and it worked so well.  I’m so so proud of her for the way she’s handling all this change in her life.  She’s actually having a great time!

Tomorrow, we are hopefully going to submit an application for an apartment, take Emily to a playground or two, get on the waiting list (6-12 months) for on-post housing, and find the other commissary on post – there are 2!

I’ll be back tomorrow with pictures for sure!

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