PCS – Movers Arrive

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Last Friday, the movers arrived with a giant truck!

Emily couldn’t wait to check out the inside!

Loading the truck went very much like Packing Day.  We watched other people do all the work.  We had some friends stop by to pick up our old playhouse, we hung out chatting with the neighbors, and my parents came by to pick up their new (our old) fridge! We passed ours on to them since we wouldn’t need it in our new location.

Hubby and my dad did all the work with the help of an appliance dolly…that thing is HEAVY!  Never mind the funny looking front – it does have handles, but they had to come off to get it through the door.

While they were here, they visited Emily in her hideout – Party in the closet!

Finally, the truck was loaded and our stuff drove away!

I think it took them about 6 hours to pack our household goods from our 1500 square foot house, and about the same to load the truck.  At lunchtime, I went out to pick up pizzas to feed the hardworking movers (and ourselves) – they were working so hard for us, it was the least we could do.

It was a great day! It felt a bit weird to not help with anything, but I think I could get used to it if I have to.  Ha Ha!

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