An extraordinary day is just ahead

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This morning in my quiet time, I came across a passage of scripture.  I want to share it with you in the Message version.

“Because we know that this extraordinary day is just ahead, we pray for you all the time—pray that our God will make you fit for what he’s called you to be, pray that he’ll fill your good ideas and acts of faith with his own energy so that it all amounts to something. If your life honors the name of Jesus, he will honor you. Grace is behind and through all of this, our God giving himself freely, the Master, Jesus Christ, giving himself freely.” (2 Thess 1:11-12)

God has a calling for each of us.  He has chosen you specifically for a purpose.  You have a kingdom assignment from the King of Kings.  Whatever that calling, He will make you fit for it.  It doesn’t say that He will only call you to do the things you are already capable of, but rather that He will make you fit for the calling He has for your life.

I know this is true in my life as I became an Army wife just over a year ago after being married for 8 years.  I see this daily as I homeschool my daughter with special needs.  I saw this lived-out as we were foster parents to 6 different children in 3 years.  I believe it for where He’s leading our family next.  People have said to me so many times, “I couldn’t do that because….”, but the truth is, I couldn’t either on my own strength.  In fact, if you had asked me just 5 years ago if I thought I would ever do any of those things I would have said you were crazy!  But for the grace of God!  He gave me what I needed to do the calling He placed on my life.

Countless times in the Bible, we see God using ordinary people to do big things.  Noah built an ark.  Abraham lived with his wife and his dad when God called him to a new country.   Jacob was a father who played favorites with his kids.  Joseph’s family was dysfunctional and full of jealous siblings.  Moses was a lowly Hebrew boy that saved God’s people from Pharaoh.  Rahab was a prostitute that helped God’s people when she saved the spies.  Jesus’ disciples included a despised tax collector and common fishermen.  Mary, the mother of our Lord, was a simple girl.

Our own Savior began His life in a stable, and grew up the son of a carpenter.

Why do we doubt that God wants to do big things through our lives?   He wants to do extraordinary things through us, using us as His tools.  Why?  Because God wants His name to be glorified!  When God does seemingly impossible things with ordinary people, He gets the glory.

What is God asking you to do?  Does it seem too big?  Too hard?  Too scary?  Don’t settle for only doing what you are already able to do.  Pray that God will make you fit for His calling, and that through His strength and His power, you can do all that He has created you to do.


Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Our God is greater, stronger and higher than any other!  Trust Him with the master plan for your life.  Yes, I know that’s hard.  I am definitely a “control freak” by nature, but I am slowly learning to turn over each area of my life, my goals, and my dreams to my Heavenly Father.   I have no doubt His plans are much greater than anything I could dream up on my own.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,  to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” (Eph 3:20-21)

God’s protection and storms of life

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Last week, Emily and I visited some friends in Delaware.  On the way home on Tuesday, we decided to stop in Washington D.C. so I could show her a few of the monuments.  We weren’t going to stay long because we needed to get home, but thought it would be a fun preview of a longer trip we hope to take there someday.  As we were standing in front of the White House, just seconds after snapping a photo, we feel the ground under our feet tremble.  The iron fence surrounding the White House was shaking and people were all looking at each other with questioning looks on their faces.  Moments later, police came out of everywhere shouting for us to get across the street into the center of the park.

As it turns out, it was the 5.8 earthquake that you probably heard about on the news.  We were stuck for a little while as they evacuated all the buildings and closed off streets, but we made it home safely in spite of being stuck in some crazy traffic (we moved 15 miles in 1.5 hours!) for a while before it cleared up.

The Lord’s hand was most definitely with us in every way.  We were completely safe, we had plenty of gas, food and water in the truck, and we got a fun story out of it.  Now Emily will always remember her first visit to the White House!

This week, we prepared for hurricane Irene.  We live about 100 miles from the coast in North Carolina, so we didn’t expect any of the major weather issues that those on the coast were expecting, but I did expect some rough wind, rain, and a loss of power.  I made sure we had extra batteries, candles, and plenty of bottled water to drink.  I bought food that didn’t need to be refrigerated so I wouldn’t have to open the freezer or fridge, and I brought in the lightweight toys and chairs from the patio.

We were prepared.

Evidently we were WAY over prepared because all we got was a little light rain and some heavier-than-normal winds.  I have to admit I was a little disappointed because I love to watch a good rainstorm, but I also hope that it means fewer coastal living people will suffer devastating losses.

The entire time we were preparing for the storm, Emily and I would pray and ask for God’s protection.  Storms are very powerful, but we know that God controls the storms, and He has the power to direct its path.

Matthew 8:26 says,

“He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.”

We go through many storms in life and those look different for each of us, but one thing we all have in common is that God is in control of those storms.  He wants you to trust Him and depend on Him.  Lean on Him in the tough times.  He is your Heavenly Father and He loves you more than you can imagine.

Take that, Murphy!

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When Hubby was in AIT one of our vehicles had a flat tire, and I tried to change it myself.  I failed miserably. 

When he was at JRTC, Murphy (of Murphy’s Law) tried messing with our truck, but HE failed.  I can only chalk that one up to a true miracle.

Now that Hubby is deployed, Murphy tried messing with my truck AGAIN.  He almost slowed me down.  I thought I was going to miss a trip I had planned to see a friend.  I thought I was going to have to spend lots of money to get it fixed. 

But I was wrong!  I beat Murphy this time! With a lot of divine intervention and help from Hubby & a good friend, that is.

Our truck has been acting funny for a while, but this last week it started getting MUCH worse.  I’ll spare you the details, but driving a truck should NOT feel like you are riding a bucking horse.  I ended up getting the error code from the truck which told me that the problem was with the Throttle Position Sensor. 

What? You don’t know what that is?  Neither did I, but I do now.  Here, I’ll show you.

I consulted our trusty Haynes manual which gave me instructions on how to test and replace this faulty TPS.  They made it sound a lot more complicated than they needed to, so when I read it to Hubby we both decided that I should just take it in and let the Firestone people fix it for me.  Stuff about electrical currents and all.

Thankfully, I mentioned it on Facebook where one of our good friends saw it.  He has years of experience fixing his trucks, so when he found out what the problem was he was sure it was something I could do and gave me some pointers.

This morning, I dropped Emily off at camp and then headed to Autozone for the $30 part I needed.  I came home and got to work! 

First, I needed a screwdriver because I was going to need to remove 2 screws to get the part out.  Hmmmm, only these weren’t phillips or flat-head.  They were a star tip.  I’ve never seen that before, but I do remember Hubby asking for a set of star tips for his birthday, so I looked in his well-organized toolbox and found them. 

Great! It had a hole in the bottom, so I assumed I needed to attach it to something with which I would actually turn this thing.   Yep, laying close by I found the ratchet.  Cool, I can do this!

The next step was to use these tools and get the old part out of the truck.

FIRST – disconnect the negative terminal from the battery.  No electrocuting myself!

SECOND – I was supposed to disconnect the electrical connection of the TPS.  I pulled.  I tugged.  I wiggled.  I looked for a secret latch. It was NOT coming off. 

At this point I was doubting myself and giving myself a pep talk all at once.  I was NOT going to let this little thing beat me, but I also wasn’t sure how hard I could pull.  I have NO experience working on a car (other than removing a battery and putting it back in once), and I was a little concerned about messing with the electrical wires.   I was already thinking ahead that I might have to call a friend to take me to pick up Emily from camp.

Then I got an idea!  Thank goodness for the internet because I Googled my problem and found someone suggest prying it a bit with a flat tip screwdriver.  Well, I had considered that, but like I said I was concerned about breaking something.  However, now that some perfect stranger on the internet suggested it too, I figured it was a good idea. 

It worked!

Great, now all I have to do is get the 2 screws off and take the old part out. I had all the tools I needed to do the job! Well, almost all the tools. 

As I was in the middle of removing the screws, I dropped the star tip down inside the hood somewhere.  OOPS! Thankfully, one of the other tools Hubby had requested for his birthday was a magnetic tool retriever. It’s like he knew I would need these! Using the retriever and a flashlight I quickly recovered my dropped tip, and held on tighter the remainder of the time. Next, I put the new o-ring and TPS on, tightened 2 screws, and reconnected the battery.

ALL DONE! In just 20 minutes, without paying $100 in labor charges, and I only got a little dirty.

Maybe I should be a mechanic when I grow up.  They make some good money for knowing how to fix things and getting dirty. 

It was actually quite fun and made me feel good to be able to fix this.  If Hubby had been here, he would have fixed it himself and I would have made him an iced coffee.  But, when you get thrown into the fire, sometimes you find out how strong you can be.  It felt good.   I’m so so thankful to God that this was a simple, inexpensive repair!  Sometimes God uses these challenges in our life to show us that we can, in fact, do all things through Him who gives us strength.

Note to Parents:  Teach your kids about tools and how to perform minor repairs on the car.  My dad always came to my rescue and fixed my flat tires and while that was awesome, I never learned anything about tools or taking things apart as a kid.  As a result, I now get a little timid around things like this because I’m worried I’ll break something.  Hubby was the kid taking apart the toasters in his free time, and is awesome about encouraging me to try.  That’s what I want for Emily – to know her way around tools and to experiment like that.  Maybe not with MY toaster, but I’ll gladly buy her one at Goodwill to play with. 

One year ago – how we’ve changed

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A year ago yesterday Hubby left on a bus after a very un-romantic goodbye for his first day back in the Army after being out for 13 years.  That day, and all the days that have followed, have changed our lives and definitely for the better.

My Husband

I’ve seen my husband grow and transform back into the man I first fell in love with over a decade ago.  He is incredibly brilliant and was very successful at his jobs in the computer world, but I think he comes alive when he is out from behind a desk.  Physical activity, handling weapons, wearing a uniform that represents our country, riding in military vehicles, flying in blackhawk helicopters, and jumping out of airplanes – those are the things that he loves to do.  I see his pride when he puts on his uniform, and I could not be more proud of him.  Besides, he looks really hot in it 

Tomorrow morning will be his first day as a newly promoted Sergeant (SGT).  This is the rank he carried when he got out of the Army the first time, but due to reasons beyond my understanding, when he rejoined he had to start a rank lower and earn this one again.  He has worked so hard to get this, and we find it fitting that it came on his one year anniversary.  I know that God has prepared him for this job as a NCO (non-commissioned officer).  He is gifted in the areas of leadership, teaching, character and work ethic.  He is everything a NCO should be, and I know that God will use him to touch many lives over the next decade.

Our daughter

Our little girl has also changed this year.  I have been so proud of my sweet daughter as she has not only survived this huge change in our lives, but she is thriving in it.  She is a creature of habit and does not like changes.  She wears the same red, flannel PJs every single night even in the summer, and even though her feet are sticking out through the bottom because they are falling apart.  She often says, “but I’ve always done it like this…” and doesn’t understand why you would do something different when it worked just fine the time before.  It throws her for a loop if we even rearrange her furniture in her room and it takes her a while to get used to new things.   Honestly, we weren’t sure how our SPD kiddo would handle some of the changes.

Yet, deep inside her, God also gave her an amazing sense of adventure and a strong desire to travel, which have served her well.  She has been amazing during this entire introduction to Army life, and I can only credit that to the grace of God!  She has embraced this change in our life head-on and is loving it! She is incredibly proud of her Daddy for serving our country and “fighting the bad guys”.  She thought it was great fun to take a 3 day road trip from Texas to North Carolina, to live in a hotel for 3 weeks, to move into a new house.  She’s had a great time exploring new playgrounds, museums, and making new friends.  She is treating this whole thing like it’s a grand quest she’s been sent on and she is accepting this mission with gusto!

She even went to 3 week-long camps this summer where she spent the entire day away from me.  2 weeks were spent at Science & Art camp at a local museum, and the 3rd was an outdoor adventure camp.  She jumped right in, made new friends, welcomed new teachers, and had a great time.   She’s had a beautiful spirit as we’ve visited several churches in the area and each time she dealt with a new classroom, teacher, and kids.  She’s gone with me to meetings, support groups and Bible studies, and not once has she hesitated to join the other kids or to greet a new teacher.  This is the same child that used to cry when I dropped her off at church if they had a substitute teacher in her classroom.

She traveled with me to visit friends and abandoned her bedtime routine for an entire week.  She slept just fine without “her music”, “her light”, and “her clock”.  That was HUGE!

God is good!! So good!  I’d like to say that our therapy and social skills practice has really made a difference, but really, I can’t take credit for this.  She has blossomed in ways this past year that I could never have dreamed of.  These forced changes in her life have turned out to be some of the biggest blessings we could have given her.


I too have grown this past year.  I’ve stepped out to meet new people and try new things.  I jumped into a Bible study our second week here, even while we were living in the hotel.  I volunteered to serve in our FRG (Family Readiness Group).  I got out of my house to meet the neighbors.  I have made some great, close friends already as a result of all this.  I have figured out how to fix things around the house on my own without waiting for Rob to do them – even the truck!

I’ve had a great time getting to know the area and exploring new, exciting places with Emily.  I’ve felt the pride that comes with being an Army wife and seeing my role in his career.  I’ve seen how God has prepared me for this as well as Hubby and I have grown through so many ups and downs in our time together.  I can see how my personality, my independence and my love for my husband all work together to make this successful.

I love knowing that we can do this.  With God as our guide, and with our love for each other, we can go anywhere and do anything.  I wasn’t able to “spread my wings” as early as many do.  It took me a long time to have a chance to venture out on my own, away from family and the safety net, but it’s a great feeling to find out just how strong you are.  There is a great big world out there that I believe that God wants us to see a lot more of, and I can’t wait!

Real feelings

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I need to just be real today.  This past week has been hard for me.  Not hard in the grand scheme of life, but harder than before.  I miss my husband so much it hurts.  From the time we found out about the deployment up until several weeks after he left, I have been fine.  I really was.  I wasn’t sad, I wasn’t scared.  I got to talk to him almost daily.  I was fine.  I had a feeling from the beginning that it would hit me about 2 months in, and it sure did.

For the past almost 11 months, I’ve spent 2 of them with my husband.  The month after he graduated from AIT and he came home to move with us to our duty station, and then the month in between JRTC and deployment.  But even when he was in training, I was able to see him once a month.  Either he came home for a weekend, or I went to visit him.  Even though they were brief visits, at least I got to see him and it made the weeks in between go by faster.

A week ago, when the “2 months deployed” mark arrived, I realized this is the longest I have ever gone without seeing my husband.  Ever.  We’ve been married for almost 10 years and dated for a couple years before that.   So, one night this past week, I went to bed and as I looked at his side of the bed, I just cried.  I wanted him there, and not just because I like him to warm up my side of the bed.  I missed him so much.  I ended up staying up late watching TV until I was tired enough to go to sleep without thinking.

I know that 2 months is nothing compared to what most military spouses have gone through, but it’s just the start of mine.  If this deployment lasts a year, then out of 21 months, I will have seen my husband for 2 of them.

Words can’t describe the aching inside as I long to have him by my side.

Some days, most days actually…are great.  Emily and I stay busy going on adventures and playing with friends and it’s easy to focus on other things.  We cook together, we do homeschool, we play outside, we laugh!  We get to Skype with Daddy, to email him, to get letters from him.

But there are some days where I just get tired of doing it all.  The cooking, the cleaning, the homeschooling, staying strong in front of my daughter when what I really want to do is cry and let it all out, not getting to sit down and have a break until 8:30 at night and then being too tired to read the book I wanted to read.  Not having my partner to sit down with over dinner and talk about our days.  Not having someone to unwind with at the end of the day.  Going to bed alone.  Again.  I imagine he feels the same.

I don’t know how people do this without having a relationship with Christ.  That is what gets me through each day.  Knowing without a shadow of a doubt that we were called to this Army by our Heavenly Father.  Knowing that God is always there for us, will never leave us, or forsake us.  Knowing that He is in control and is more powerful than we can ever imagine.

My relationship with Christ doesn’t keep the pain away.  It just gives me a place to go when I can’t bear it anymore.  Arms that will hold me and ears that will listen and truly understand. 

Jesus knows what it feels like to be sad.  To be lonely.  To hurt.  He knows.  He wants me to turn to Him.

So I do.

I turn on my praise music, and I read His Word.  I remember those saints who have gone before me and I realize that I’ve really got it easy.  So, I’ll take a bubble bath and let the tears out.  I’ll go to bed early and make sure I get a good night of rest.  Then, I’ll start the next day with a cup of coffee and my prayer time as I ask God to give me strength to get through this day and to really cherish it.  I ask Him to help me thrive during this time…not just survive. 

And He did.  He does.  He will.

The military does not cause poverty

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This may not be a popular post, but I feel like writing it, so bear with me while I express my opinion.

A while back I saw a petition going around for people to sign trying to get free internet for deployed soldiers.  As people sign, they can also leave a comment.  I had trouble accepting some of the comments I read, and it just goes along with something I’ve been hearing several people talk about lately.

Please, don’t get me wrong!  It’s not the petition I have a problem with.  I’m not against giving our soldiers free internet or any other privileges.  I would love for them to get free internet in their rooms!  They deserve each and every extra they get for the sacrifice they are making.  Our soldiers make up less than 1% of the population and they step up to a job that many wouldn’t do. 

I get that, I really do. 

I’m also thrilled to accept any and all military discounts that stores want to hand out to us as families.  Who am I to argue if a store wants to give me 10% off, or if the Post Office wants to give us APO boxes that are cheaper than the regular flat rate boxes.  I love free stuff!

However, I have a hard time with people acting like we don’t get anything, that being in the military forces us into a lifetime of poverty or that we can’t afford to buy groceries without food stamps, or that just because we are in the military we are automatically entitled to free handouts of everything.

I hear so many people complain that the military doesn’t pay well.  Do I think they should get paid more for what they do?  Of course!! But I think the same thing about teachers, the police, firefighters and all service workers. 

However, just because you are in the military, does not mean you have to live in poverty.  Even based on an E2 pay, assuming they’ve been in for 2 years or less, and assuming no “extra pay” like being Airborne qualified – it is possible to live with a family well above the poverty level. Especially if you live on post and don’t have to pay electric or water each month.  I did the numbers and it’s enough money to have money for tithe, groceries, gas, cell phone, cable, a little ‘fun’ money, and a little left to put in savings.  Now, that assumes no second income, but it also assumes no credit card bills or other unnecessary debt.  If you have a huge car payment, then maybe you can’t have cable or get your nails done, or save as much, but it can be done.  For those with multiple kids, they probably qualify for WIC or food stamps, which just provides extra money. 

Keep in mind, the military also provides almost-FREE healthcare (we pay a small amount each month for dental), and that includes prescriptions, and free life insurance.  Part of our paycheck that goes toward housing (BAH) and food (BAS) is not even taxable. We have guaranteed retirement if the service member serves 20 years.  There is also the free education, including not only job training but college as well.  We have a PX on post (think of a Walmart type store) and a commissary (grocery) – both of which are tax free.  We have access to several free gyms (some even with rooms for the kids to play while you work out), swimming pools, parks and playgrounds on post as well as a multitude of other recreational activities that are free or super cheap.

That’s a lot to be thankful for!

Now, before you say, “but you don’t know my situation” – you are right.  I don’t.  I don’t claim to.  I’m speaking in generalities. But I do know a bit of what I’m talking about. Hubby and I have been through our share of financial struggles – some that were our own doing, and many that weren’t.  I also know from experience that making more money does not mean the financial problems go away.  People tend to spend more when they make more.  We did learn though.  We made our mistakes and we learned from them.  Hubby and I haven’t used a credit card in 9 years.  We are a cash only family.  We’ve made a 6 figure income combined, and now we make…..well, not even close to 6 figures.  We live by a strict budget and know where every penny goes. 

If you want to learn about living on a budget and getting out of debt, I highly recommend Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University.  It will change your life!

Now back to deployment…

First of all, for Hubby’s current deployment, our soldiers over there DO have access to free internet.  They only have to pay a monthly fee if they want to have internet access in their rooms.  While I would love for all of them to have free internet access in their rooms, and I would love to save the $65 a month that we are paying, it is not mandatory that we pay it.  It’s a choice. 

I realize not all soldiers that are deployed have the option to have internet in their rooms, or even at all.  Getting it for “free” would not necessarily change that.  Some of it depends on where they are and the object of their mission.  There is no guarantee that Hubby will have it during his entire deployment either.  In fact, even us paying for it did nothing to stop it from going down for 2.5 days.

In addition, while they are deployed, our soldiers receive extra pay.  There is hostile fire pay, hardship duty pay, family separation pay, a daily per diem, and our entire income while he’s deployed is tax free.

That extra pay more than makes up for the $65/month for internet access in his room.  Maybe a lot of families couldn’t afford the extra $65 normally, but with the extra deployment income there is no reason they shouldn’t be able to pay it.  You are paying for it with money that you normally don’t have anyway.

While the soldier is deployed there is a wealth of other free things available.  Lots of companies provide free items or discounts when a soldier is deployed, including sporting events, the circus, travel, even Disney.  There are even free summer camps for kids.  The Army itself provides us with $400 toward classes and sports for my daughter just because her Daddy is deployed. 

Cell phone companies will let you put the soldier’s cell phone on hold – saving you the monthly cell phone bill for a phone they can’t use.  Auto insurance companies will often let you lower your rates for the car that isn’t being driven as well if you are a 2 car family. 

Our soldiers can send letters home free of charge.  Packages cost money, but they can send letter envelopes for free.

No amount of money can replace having my husband at home, but I just have a hard time coming up with something to complain about in the money department.  I’ve talked to Hubby’s grandmother about when she was an Army wife, and realizing how far we’ve come puts it all into perspective for sure.  They didn’t get a clothing allowance each year.  They didn’t get issued several uniforms and pairs of boots.  They didn’t even have the option of the internet.  The soldiers then had to wait months and months to *maybe* get a letter from home. 

We have nothing to complain about. 

If your own financial choices are making it impossible to pay your bills each month, then make different choices, but don’t blame the military.  Seek help, learn to live on a budget, do without some extras for a while, shop at thrift stores, embrace frugality, get creative.  You can do it!

4th of July at Fort Bragg

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Yesterday, Emily and I went to the 4th of July celebration on post.  It was one HOT, crazy day!  I was able to reserve a spot ahead of time by paying $25 for a 10×10 foot space with a canopy tent already set up for me. SO glad I did – totally worth it!  If Hubby had been here, I could have paid the $10 for a spot and set up our own tent, but I didn’t want to mess with that myself!  We had a great spot! We had a front row seat to see the paratroopers free-fall demonstration – always cool! I even got to share it with some good friends and it was so nice having the company!

It was crazy hot though!! Next year I will show up a little later, and with more ICE 🙂  We took tons of water and food though, so we were good, but I wasn’t thinking clearly and forgot a couple things that would have been a HUGE help.  Hubby’s Camelbak, and our large thermos that I could have filled with ice.  Oh well.  Thankfully they had a large water tank there filled with ice cold water that was available for FREE, so we filled our water bottles many times.

The kids area was NUTS! $7 for “all you can play” got us 3 bounce houses.  There were many more to choose from, but it was too hot (earlier in the day), or the lines were insanely long (later in the day).  Good thing Emily was happy with 3, and I consider it $7 well spent for her enjoyment.

Charlie Daniels was one of the performers, and being from Texas, I was so excited to hear him! Hubby and I both love his music and I was so sad that he wasn’t here to enjoy it with me.  As for the actual performance, we didn’t get to see too much, but we did enjoy listening to it.  Since our spot were no where near close enough to see the music stage, we walked over there for a bit to see about getting a couple pictures for Hubby.  We couldn’t get close enough to really see, and it was right in the SUN! After a couple songs, we went back to our shade and listened to the rest of it from there!  That was good enough for me and I enjoyed hearing it live. Had we been in the FRONT, it would have been awesome – I love Charlie Daniels and he plays a mean fiddle!  But, being in the back of the crowd wasn’t so exciting.   Gotta take your pick – reserve your spot with a canopy on one part of the field, see the parachute show and flag ceremony up close, or stake out a spot in front of the music stage.  Depends on your preference.  I was happy with our chosen spot.

Around 8:20 PM, just as they were posting the state flags, it started lightening and the sky turned super dark with rain clouds.  Lots of people started leaving.  We decided to hang on until the flags were done….until the winds went nuts and it started raining!  So, then we headed toward the car.  As we were walking, in the rain, we heard the lady start to sing the National Anthem.  So, what do Emily and I do? We stop in the rain, place our hands over our hearts and listen to it.  I figure if she can keep singing, we can wait 2 minutes.   I loved that both Emily and I stopped at the same time, and she turned around to tell me to put my hand over my heart just as I was doing it.  I didn’t even have to ask her to stop and show that respect.  Hubby would be so proud!

After that, as we continued walking toward the car in the rain, all of a sudden the rain stopped raining hard and was just barely coming down.  Suddenly we hear this BOOM and look up to see that we now have a PERFECT, front row “seat” to the fireworks show!! It was awesome! We stood there on the side of the road, looking right over the trees and watched the show.  Then, we finished walking to the car, and because of our careful planning on where we parked, we made it home in 20 minutes!  I was thrilled with that since I had heard stories of being stuck in traffic for over an hour to get home, even on post.

All in all, it was a great day!  I asked Emily if she thought it was worth going, and she said “definitely!”, so I’m sure we’ll go again and I can’t wait to go celebrate with my Hubby next time!

Strong Bonds Retreat at Myrtle Beach

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Emily and I had the privilege this past weekend of attending a retreat in Myrtle Beach! It was so fun! It was sponsored by the Army Chaplains and this one was for the spouses and kids of the deployed soldiers in our brigade. 

They paid for the hotel, and most of the meals were provided as well.  We spent 2 nights in a hotel, and had a great opportunity to get to know a lot of other women/children.  During our stay, we attended some sessions taught by the chaplains.  These focused on building effective families and how we can best do that as military spouses.  While we were in the sessions, the children were well taken care of in another room full of toys, games, & videos.  They had a great time!  We also got some craft time in and I even made a necklace and bracelet! That was fun, and I see some beading in my future. 

We also had a lot of free time, so one afternoon we headed to the beach – of course!! The next afternoon, Emily and I headed to a local tourist area called “Broadway at the Beach”.  It is full of attractions like mini golf, an aquarium, a movie theatre, a museum, ropes course, boat ride – you name it!  There are also what seemed like hundreds of stores and restaurants.  We did some window shopping and then went to Ripley’s Aquarium where they had a shark exhibit and Emily got to touch a horseshow crab – very cool!

We had an amazing time!  We both made some new friends that we are already staying in touch with, and we got to have a great little vacation together.

We are blessed!

Patience & Trust

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There are many, many verses in the Bible about being patient and waiting.

“Love is patient” (1 Cor 13:4)

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” (Rom 12:12)

“For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” (Rom 8:24-25)

“And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.” (1 Thess 5:14)

“Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.” (James 5:7-8)

“Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.” (Ps 37:7)

“I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.” (Ps 40:1)

“But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” (Is 40:31)

God knew we would have trouble with waiting.  It’s human nature.  It’s not easy, but if we turn to Him he will give us the endurance that we need to wait.

Right now it’s been almost 60 hours since I’ve heard from my husband.  Their internet went out for a couple days, and while I know it’s back up now, I still haven’t heard from him (what, is he working over there or something? *grin*).   I know 2.5 days is not that long, and I know many have gone for weeks and weeks without talking to their spouse, but I had been spoiled getting to talk to him every day so far.  Multiple times a day, even.

But in moments like this – and there will be many, many more times during this deployment that I don’t hear from him for days – I have a choice to make.  I can choose to complain, to build up resentment and bitterness, to be jealous of my friends who have talked to their husbands.  To let the enemy win.

Or, I can wait patiently, and ask God to give me the strength and endurance that I need during this time.  He is so faithful to do just that!  This is a time for me to grow as well.

So, while I am looking so forward to talking to my Love again – I am not going to let it stop me from living.  I thought I might hear from him yesterday afternoon, but I wasn’t sure, so I went swimming with friends.  Glad I went, because he wasn’t able to call.  So instead of waiting around letting my emotions get to me – we had a great day!  Today is the same.  I could stay here, “just in case” he is able to call, but that would only do harm to myself and to Emily.  Instead, we are going to a friend’s house to have prayer time for our husbands and then hitting the pool.

It’s a choice.

I miss him terribly, and he is my life, my love, my best friend.   But he has a job to do, and he will call when he can.  I know that.  I trust that.  He doesn’t want me to sit around waiting either.  He wants me to wait patiently, cheerfully.  That means going on with my day and we’ll connect when we can.

I am choosing patience and trust over bitterness and resentment.  I hope you will do the same.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” (Prov 3:5-6)

Deployment Week 3

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It’s been just over 3 weeks now, so how are we doing?  I’ll tell you!

I hesitate to say it’s going well, because I don’t want anyone to think I don’t miss my hubby.  I do. A LOT.  At the same time, I’m getting to talk to him almost daily, and I just have to count my blessings.  When I think of those soldier’s families in years past – so many of them didn’t have the technology that we have now.  Even in “recent” years, it wasn’t like it is today.  Then if you think back to WWII, wives had to wait MONTHS just to “maybe” get a letter.  So, I can’t complain – I really can’t.

I have to say, these first few weeks of deployment are much easier than the last couple weeks leading up to it.  In that time leading up to him leaving, I was so focused on spending time with him, preparing myself for missing him, trying to make sure we got plenty of pictures, didn’t miss anything, and my emotions were going up and down like a roller coaster.  I was just ready for him to GO…so he could “Git R Done” and come home!

Now, we’ve settled into a routine again.  Emily and I are doing our school work, weekly field trip adventures, spending time with friends, going to the library, going swimming, and making sure we get in some downtime watching movies and reading to each other. 

I’m focusing on getting my daily time in the Word, my household chores, taking care of my health (eating right and exercising), and am even making progress on finding a new church (I think we’re getting closer!).  I’m also staying busy doing some volunteer work with the FRG, and with Wives of Faith.

And of course, there are the care packages! Emily and I have fun coming up with ideas for Hubby’s care packages and sending those to him.  We also write letters and send cards pretty often so we can feel connected to him.

So far, so good!  Of course it will be better when Hubby is here in my arms though!!