Compare yourselves only to Christ

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“Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load.” (Galations 6:4-5)

It is so easy in today’s society to compare ourselves to others.  Cars, houses, salaries, rank, jobs, our bodies, our children…the list goes on and on.  The reality is, God has given each of us different talents, gifts, and circumstances.  He wants us to be good stewards of the life He has given us, not to toss it out with the garbage because it’s not “good enough,” or because it doesn’t look like someone else’s life.

As we look back over last year, and begin to make goals for 2011, let’s focus on what Christ wants for us. Let’s put the focus on our own responsibilities.  Am I faithfully living for God and doing the things He has called me to do?  Am I spending time in the Word every day? Is my love for Christ as deep as it should be? 

Am I obeying the most important commandments?
1) Loving the Lord with all my heart
2) Loving my neighbor as myself

There is nothing wrong with making goals to eat better, or be more active, but let’s also remember our spiritual goals. Ask the Lord what He wants for you this year.  Ask Him where He wants to use you…and then open your heart to it.  It might not look like the plan you had for yourself, but if you truly submit to Him, it will be better than you could have imagined.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)

Some days need a slow start

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After taking a couple weeks off of our regular school schedule, I was looking forward to getting back to it today.  It’s funny because it’s so easy to get out of our routine and then it’s hard to get back to it.  Yet, both Emily and I do much better when we have a set routine and can plan ahead.

So, I got up this morning and was looking forward to having breakfast and getting started with school. Unfortunately, Emily seemed a bit “off” after getting up today.  She was very easily upset, and seemed sad.  I wondered if it was because I told her that something she’s wanting to do will have to wait until tomorrow. I kept asking her if something was bothering her, but she couldn’t find an answer.

I knew that I needed to adjust the school plan with her feeling like this.  Obviously handwriting is not going to work right now because she’ll get even more upset. When she’s “low”, her motor skills worsen which in turn frustrates her more because her perfectionism comes out stronger.

In my mind I’m thinking, 

Ok, no handwriting practice right now.  We can focus on math & science first (her favorites)”

“We’ll start with a good sensory activity to help her body and her mood”

“Hmmmm, well, let’s eat breakfast and I’ll figure it out.”

Once we were at the breakfast table, she said “I think I figured it out…I’m tired!”.

Ahhh! Well, that will do it!  I was so proud of her for figuring out what was bothering her! That’s HUGE! She seemed to have slept ok last night and she woke up at a regular time, but obviously her body wasn’t done.  So, we made a new plan! She would her eat her breakfast and then go lie down on her bed and read for 30 minutes or so.  Then we’ll try again and see how she’s feeling.

Once she gets up from reading, we’ll do some exercises and activities to wake up her body too.

As she was finishing her breakfast, I read to her our family devotional for the day.  It’s from a great book for my animal lover and it’s called My Big Book of 5 minute Devotions – Celebrating God’s World.  Today’s story was about the 3-tied sloth and PATIENCE.

I guess I needed that as much as she did.  I felt God reminding me to just be patient, and to slow down this morning.  I don’t need to rush us back into routine.  Sure, we need to get there, but it’s hard for her to transition so we might have to ease into it.  Give her grace, just as God gives me grace, and pay close attention to her needs today.

So we start at 10:00 instead of 9:00 today – big deal! We don’t punch a clock.

As long as we don’t go so slow that we start growing algae on ourselves like the sloths!

“I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry.” (Psalm 40:1)

Happy New Year 2011!

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Happy New Year!

Today is the start of a brand new year.  In just a few days…20 to be exact…our family will be starting our brand new life.  We are going to have a lot of FIRSTS & NEW things this next year! 

* My first time to PCS with the Army

* My first time to have someone else do all our packing & moving

* Hubby’s first time to move a FAMILY with the Army

* My first time to ever move out of the state of Texas.  I’ve lived within the same 30 mile radius for the past 31 years! (I’m 36…moved here from CA when I was 5).  It’s time, don’t you think?

* Emily’s first time to live somewhere other than Texas

* New friends, new home, new church

and many more firsts that we don’t even know about yet!

I’m really looking forward to this!  I’m excited to see a new city, to go exploring and find all the local places people love.  I’m looking forward to meeting other Army families and getting to know people.  I’m excited because the post that we are moving to seems to have a lot of family activities available.  I’m ready to just start this life with my husband! I’m ready to be back together with him and have him home for dinner each night. 

It’s going to be a great year!

New Year’s Eve Tradition

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When Emily was 3 we started a tradition of having ice cream sundaes on New Year’s Eve and playing games on New Year’s Day.  We wanted something that was fun and family friendly, but also easy to do. Unfortunately, Hubby couldn’t join us today, but we went ahead with the ice cream tradition!  I guess neither of us grew up with the black eyed pea tradition, or at least it wasn’t one that stuck with us.  I like the ice cream idea better, anyway! What a yummy way to start the new year, don’t you agree?

Ready to start! We’ve got the ice cream, chocolate syrup, caramel, whipped cream, cherries & sprinkles!

Too Much Stuff!

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As our cross country move is approaching, I’m finding myself overwhelmed with the amount of stuff that we have.  I’ve already made several trips to the Salvation Army to purge some of it.  We don’t have any LARGE things to get rid of, and I don’t want to take the time for a yard sale so donating it seems to be the way to go.  I just don’t want to take it all with us.  There are so many things in this house that we haven’t touched in the 4 years we’ve been here.  I seriously doubt we will suddenly need them once we move.

Stuff takes up time and energy when you have to clean it, put it away, then find it again when you want it.  It can also be visually overwhelming as you look around and everything is crowded.  Like walking through the mall on Christmas Eve.

Our income is already less as an Army family, and we already know that our new home will be smaller than this one.  Thankfully, we are in a very modest home now at 1500 square feet, but we will likely be living in something around 900-1000 square feet.  We’ve done quite a bit of research and have a very specific budget that we plan to stay in as we do not want to exceed our BAH (Basic Housing Allowance) that the Army gives us.  Therefore, we will live in a smaller place.

We only have the 3 of us, plus a cat, so it’s totally doable.  I do really hope we are able to find a 3 bedroom house to live in, rather than just 2 so that we can become foster parents in our new state.  We need that 3rd bedroom for that.  I’m leaving that up to God though.  If He is ready for us to continue on our foster parenting journey, then I know He will provide just the house we need.

As I prepare for the movers that will come in a month, I’m planning to follow the advice I’ve received and place like things together around the house (photo frames in one place, linens in another, books all together, etc) so that the movers will pack like things together.  As I’m working on this, I’m having the urge to just get rid of anything that we don’t use regularly.  I don’t need more stuff to keep up with, clean, unpack, and find a home for.  Clutter gives me stress, and a lot of it.  I like things to have a “home”.  The less room we have, the less places we will have to put things.  If the stuff doesn’t have a home, that means it becomes clutter.

Some things take up a lot of room, but are worth it – like our homeschooling supplies.  Craft supplies, the laminator, books, workbooks, crayons – it all gets used daily, so it stays.    Things like winter jackets and extra blankets take up room but have a purpose.  Even those, I’ve gone through and got down to the basics.

Other things can go!  The glass decanter on top of the cabinets that has never had liquid inside it.  The snowman dishes that my mom bought me a few years ago because I thought they were cute.  They are twice the size of a normal dinner plate, don’t fit in the dishwasher, and are hardly used.  I’m sure they would make someone else very happy.

My cookbooks are another area I could purge again. There are a couple sentimental ones in there from my husband’s childhood, but I’m sure most of them could go.  Otherwise, I get most of my recipes online now.

My other books…that full bookshelf in our bedroom…it hurts to let them go, but I need to.  It’s not like I read the same books over and over.  I just keep them “in case”.  We are regular visitors at the library (as in so regular, I’m surprised they don’t have an air mattress for me to just sleep there!) – so I can usually find what I need there anyway.

Emily has been awesome about purging her toys!  We are trying to simplify there too.  She has very specific things that she plays with over and over.  The rest – not so much.  We keep one box out in the shed of toys to rotate in and out with the things she has in her room.  Honestly, so much of it is “out of sight, out of mind” that she never even asks for it.  We recently gave away several toys that she wasn’t playing with and donated them to a small church that was building up their children’s area.

All in all, I’m looking forward to it!  I’m excited about having less stuff to manage, and more time to just spend with my family and building relationships.

This next year is going to be a challenge for me as I attempt to manage our household a lot more simply.  To live on a much smaller budget while still feeding our family natural, organic, healthy foods.  To homeschool our daughter using supplies on hand, or things we can get cheaply to supplement the curriculum we already have.  To entertain our family on outings and adventures by finding the frugal or free things to do in the new city.  To keep our house organized and tidy, and to have dinner prepared most nights in time for us to all sit down together as a family.

It’s going to be a great year!

I want to be independent

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Rumor has it, when I was a child I often said “I do it myself!”.  I was, and still am, pretty “independent” – just like the misfit dentist called himself on “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” movie.

I also grew up hearing “You only fail, if you fail to try”.  Well, the reality is that sometimes you fail even if you try.

Today I failed.

I failed to change my own flat tire.

I sure tried though!  I went out to head to the grocery store this morning while Granny was here watching Emily.  I told her if she’d stay here and let me go alone, I’d get her Christmas groceries for her while I was there.  Deal!

Then I pulled out of the driveway and heard it.  Thump.  Thump.  Thump.

That didn’t sound right.  I got out and checked and sure enough, my front-right tire was flat.  Seriously FLAT, not just low.  So I backed the van back into the driveway and weighed my options.

I could ask our helpful next door neighbor to do it.  Nope, his truck isn’t there.

I could call USAA.  Hmmm, we DO pay for the service after all.

Or I could do it myself.  I never have changed a tire ALL by myself.  Might be empowering.

Or it might just be amusing.

I went inside to change shirts as I prepared to get messy and win this battle.  Hear me roar!

Or maybe it was a meow.

I had to check the manual to figure out how to get to the jack and to get the spare out from under the vehicle.  Ok, not so bad.  I managed to lower the spare under the car.

The next step was to loosen the lug nuts on the tire before jacking up the vehicle.

Loosen them with WHAT? There wasn’t a tool for that with the jack.  I cheated and sent a txt message to my husband, and when he realized what I was attempting he promptly called me to remind me that I could just call USAA and they would do this for me.

But I wanted to be in-de-pen-dent.  At least, after he told me where to find the tool I needed.

I hung up with him and got back to work.  Now, to loosen those lug nuts.

Grunt!  Groan!  Push!  Pull!  Kick! Stomp!

Did they put these things on with SUPER GLUE?

I tried and tried and managed to get ONE of them loose.  ONE!  That wasn’t going to do it.

If it had just been my arms, I would have keep trying.  I really would have.  But I started to feel it in my back, and I was not about to risk throwing out my back 3 days before I get to see my husband for the first time in a month.  Capiche?

So I marched inside waving my white flag and took Granny’s car to the store.  I called USAA when I got back and a nice gentleman came to change my tire.  He looked normal, but he must have really been a body builder or on steroids because he got those lug nuts off like he was opening a pop-top!

So much for independent!

Maybe getting help isn’t so bad. At least we are getting our money’s worth from the Roadside Assistance.

Is Santa hurting your child’s self esteem?

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Let me preface this by saying that I don’t have a problem with kids believing in Santa. I think it’s fun, sweet, innocent, and embraces the spirit of giving.  So, I’m not saying you should give that up at all.  I would, however, like you to consider HOW you use Santa in your home.

Imagine this…

You are a young child and you work hard to please your parents & your teachers.  All year long you hear “You better be good, or else Santa won’t bring you any toys”.  So you do your best, but you make mistakes.  Just like we all do.  You have good days, and bad days.  You have days that are harder to obey than others.  But you try, you really do.

You’ve learned that your parents love you no matter what.  Even on the days you get in trouble, you have no doubt they love you.

As it gets closer to Christmas time, you hear it more often…I’ve heard it so many times in the last week that I’ve lost count.

”You better be good, or Santa won’t bring you any presents!”

“You be good or you’ll get nothing for Christmas!”

So  you try.  You really do.  You feel awful when you make mistakes because you really really want to get that new toy, and you are scared, worried and anxious.  What if you get nothing?

Then, Christmas arrives, and you receive whatever your parents could afford to get you.  A new soccer ball, a Barbie, some new clothes, a Lego set…whatever it may be.  You are excited!  Maybe Santa didn’t get everything on your list, or maybe it wasn’t exactly what you had chosen, but it was for you and that made you happy.

Until you talked to your friends or the other kids at school.

Why did Betsy-the Bully get more presents than you did from Santa? Why did she get the whole dream house while you got just one doll?  Why did that mean ol’ Bobby get a fancy battery powered ride-in car, and you got Hot Wheels?

There is only one explanation if you believe in Santa.

You just weren’t good enough.

Your best wasn’t good enough.  Not only are you not good enough, you are WORSE than that bully.

Now, how do you feel?

No one ever explains to this children that we all come from different income levels.  A fancy toy in one house, might be nothing in another.

Parents do this to children every single year, and it breaks my heart!

I just really have a problem with the “Be good or you’ll get nothing!” threats.   My issue with it is this, either you are 1) setting your child up to be seriously disappointed & to feel worthless when this Santa they believe in doesn’t bring them any toys, or 2) You are throwing out an empty threat you have no intention of following through on.

Now, that said, I have no problem with a child who has been having discipline problems being told that they would not receive certain presents if certain behaviors didn’t change.  But those presents should be the ones given by the PARENTS – not Santa!

I thought about this and wondered how this would affect the children we’ve had from foster care.  I actually think this would be harder on the kids who are used to someone loving them.  Kids who come from tough family situations are so used to not feeling worthy, that Santa wouldn’t be any different.  They are used to having nothing, so to them *anything* is amazing.

But for a child who is growing up and still learning, still exploring, making mistakes and learning from them…why in the world would we want then to base their self-worth on what some mythical person thinks?  Yes, St. Nick was a real person, but today’s “Santa Claus” isn’t.  St. Nick never based his gifts on how good or bad the person was anyway.  He gave because he loved and wanted to help.

This is real, people. I’ve actually talked to several people recently who went through this as a child.  Believing that they were never good enough for Santa because their parents couldn’t afford to buy fancy toys.  They were told their behavior dictated their presents.  Then they got the best their parents had to offer, but it didn’t even compare with the gifts the other kids at school got.  So, they thought it was because they weren’t good enough.  They don’t even think about their parents’ income having anything to do with it…after all, this was from Santa, not Mom & Dad, right?

Parents, please just think about it.  Think about the message you are giving your children.  Let them believe in Santa, fine, but get rid of the “good or bad” stuff.  Peer pressure and comparing ourselves to others is hard enough.  Let them know that we give gifts at Christmas because we love.  Tell them Santa brought them exactly what he thought would be perfect for them.

If you are a Christian, then go a step further.  We give, because Christ gave to us.  He gave to us not based on our behavior, but based on his love for us.

While we’re at it, let me jump on one more soapbox! I’ve also heard this a few times lately and it makes me cringe. Please don’t threaten your kids with “I’ll call the cops if you don’t behave!” or anything along those lines.  The Police are our friends and they are here to help.  Please don’t make your children afraid to approach a Police Officer should they ever actually be in need of one.

Silent Night, Holy Night

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“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.” ~ Luke 2:6-7 

Last night I was sitting on the sofa, enjoying the lights on the Christmas tree and listening to Christmas music.  “Silent Night” came on, and I sat there listening…and thinking.  That special night, over 2000 years ago, the most precious baby in the world was born.  Our Savior came on that silent night, a very holy night.  Jesus came into this world in a quiet stable in a little town.  No pomp and circumstance.  He could have had musicians playing, feasts prepared, and the best linens for his bed.  Instead, He chose to come into this world simply.  He was surrounded by farm animals and the smells of a stable, but He had warmth and love.  Why then, do we feel that we need more than that to celebrate His birth?

Allow yourself to relax this week as you prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth.  Find that time to soak in the Reason for this season, and give yourself grace if the decorations aren’t all out, or the menu gets changed because something was forgotten at the store.  Put your “To Do” list aside, and just sit with a loved one, or help a friend.

Keep it simple, just as He did.

40 Days To Go

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40 days to go till Hubby graduates from training and we move to our first duty station!! We still don’t know where we are going! How’s that for trusting God?  He has taken my need to be in control and turned it inside out till it turned into complete trust in HIS plan.  I’m so excited to see where He leads us.

It could be to Fort Campbell, as they mentioned already.  Or, if Hubby gets back in an Airborne unit like he wants, it could be somewhere else.  North Carolina? Alaska?  Well, we will find out sometime in the next month!  At least the Army will do all of our packing!

40 days…I know it will go by fast, yet a lot can happen in 40 days.

It’s weird when I stop and think about it.  Just 5 more Saturdays.  5 more Sundays.  Hopefully 6 if Hubby gets to come home and go to church with us between graduation and moving. 

No more trips to our favorite parks.  No more climbing on the elephant statues at the Dallas Zoo.  We’ll find new parks to love and new zoos to explore.

I’m going to miss our next door neighbors like crazy! I know God will give us new neighbors and new friends, but there are some that will stay in our hearts forever.  I am truly thankful for cell phones and email.  It means we don’t have to lose touch just because of distance.

We’ve gone to our church for 8.5 years now.  We know so many people there.  Many of the staff are our friends.  Hubby was baptized while we were there.  Our daughter was raised there.  Dedicated there.  Baptized there.  It is our church home.  No matter where we go, I know it will always be our home.  I sure am going to miss it though. 

This house.  We’ve been here for 4 years.  We’ve watched our giant oak tree grow new leaves in the Spring, and we’ve watch it shed its leaves in Autumn.  We’ve made many the piles of leaves for jumping in!

A lot of great memories here.  A lot of great experiences ahead and wonderful memories to make.

It’s exciting.  It’s scary.  It’s faith.

40 days.

Happy Thanksgiving

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Sometime very late tonight, my Hubby is arriving home for the holiday! He’ll be here for a few days before heading back to training, so I’ll be unplugged mostly and spending all my time with him! We’ll be hanging out with his mom and grandmother too as they will be super excited to see him, and I’m looking forward to the time with them as well.  I am so blessed with my in-laws! They aren’t in-laws, but just family…MY family.

I am so excited about our Thanksgiving meal too.  We are going out to eat!  That’s right, no cooking! No cleaning! We did this last year too and it turned out amazing.  We will all go out to eat for an awesome spread at Maggiano’s, and then we’ll come back to our place to hang out and challenge each other on the Wii.  I love to cook, Hubby and I love cooking together, and our whole family even enjoys cooking.  So often on big holidays though, we end up spending all our time in the kitchen either cooking or cleaning instead of visiting.  So this is a nice treat.  I’m sure we’ll go back to cooking the Thanksgiving spread at some point, but this time we are just going to kick back and enjoy it without all the rushing around.

It almost seems wrong with all the yummy recipes floating around.  I’ve drooled over several myself, but they will have to wait for another year.  The last few months have been crazy, especially this last one.  Hubby is coming home!!! That’s a whole other set of emotions.  The stress….good and bad…has taken a toll on me physically.  I’m just now starting to feel rested when I wake up in the mornings.  Yea, I’m ready to just let someone else cook, then come home, hang out with my Hubby and try to beat him at something….anything….on the Wii!  I knew I should have been practicing while he was gone!