Have you surrendered?

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Now that Rob is back from deployment, we are church hunting again. It’s always a challenging process, but this past Sunday we visited a church for the 2nd time and so far we really like it. Whether or not we’ll choose to become members there still remains to be seen, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that God spoke to me personally through that church on Sunday.

We sang an old hymn that I grew up singing and love dearly called “I Surrender All.” I couldn’t help but giggle with joy a bit when I heard the first few words because it was like God had sent me a special gift that morning in care of the church, delivered straight to me through the music leader.

I surrender all. That is God’s theme for me this year as I learn (and re-learn) how to truly surrender it ALL to Him. My cares, my worries, my dreams, my desires, my husband, my daughter….ALL of it.

My favorite verse in this song is this:

“All to Jesus I surrender;
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.”

Am I living in His presence daily? Every day? When I am, I know it’s easier to surrender to Him. When I make myself get out of bed to have that quiet time with the Lord before starting my day; When I stop and pray during the day not only when I need help, but also just to praise Him for his glory – the closer I am to Him, the easier it is to trust Him (and his plans for me) completely.

Our lives are often busy and carving out time for “quiet time” can be challenging as military wives and moms, but it’s so important to find that time somewhere. God is good and so very gracious! He wants to hear from us. Talk to Him while you drive, while you are doing the dishes or laundry, in the bathroom, or even in the shower. Seem weird? Well, God made you – He already knows what you look like naked! One of my greatest spiritual mentors has her quiet time every night in the bathtub.

He also wants to speak to us through His Word. Get an audio version and listen to it when you are in the car. Leave your Bible open on the kitchen counter and read it a little at a time throughout the day. I know a lady that keeps a Bible in the bathroom to read because it’s the only place she can get a little privacy with her kids running around. Do what you can, but make time for it!

What if you mess up? What if you just didn’t make the time today? The last few days? Then give yourself a break, remember God’s grace, and try again tomorrow.  He loves you and desires to communicate with you.

“Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lam 3:22-23)

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