God’s protection and storms of life

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Last week, Emily and I visited some friends in Delaware.  On the way home on Tuesday, we decided to stop in Washington D.C. so I could show her a few of the monuments.  We weren’t going to stay long because we needed to get home, but thought it would be a fun preview of a longer trip we hope to take there someday.  As we were standing in front of the White House, just seconds after snapping a photo, we feel the ground under our feet tremble.  The iron fence surrounding the White House was shaking and people were all looking at each other with questioning looks on their faces.  Moments later, police came out of everywhere shouting for us to get across the street into the center of the park.

As it turns out, it was the 5.8 earthquake that you probably heard about on the news.  We were stuck for a little while as they evacuated all the buildings and closed off streets, but we made it home safely in spite of being stuck in some crazy traffic (we moved 15 miles in 1.5 hours!) for a while before it cleared up.

The Lord’s hand was most definitely with us in every way.  We were completely safe, we had plenty of gas, food and water in the truck, and we got a fun story out of it.  Now Emily will always remember her first visit to the White House!

This week, we prepared for hurricane Irene.  We live about 100 miles from the coast in North Carolina, so we didn’t expect any of the major weather issues that those on the coast were expecting, but I did expect some rough wind, rain, and a loss of power.  I made sure we had extra batteries, candles, and plenty of bottled water to drink.  I bought food that didn’t need to be refrigerated so I wouldn’t have to open the freezer or fridge, and I brought in the lightweight toys and chairs from the patio.

We were prepared.

Evidently we were WAY over prepared because all we got was a little light rain and some heavier-than-normal winds.  I have to admit I was a little disappointed because I love to watch a good rainstorm, but I also hope that it means fewer coastal living people will suffer devastating losses.

The entire time we were preparing for the storm, Emily and I would pray and ask for God’s protection.  Storms are very powerful, but we know that God controls the storms, and He has the power to direct its path.

Matthew 8:26 says,

“He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.”

We go through many storms in life and those look different for each of us, but one thing we all have in common is that God is in control of those storms.  He wants you to trust Him and depend on Him.  Lean on Him in the tough times.  He is your Heavenly Father and He loves you more than you can imagine.

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