Dear God, Can I please have a hint?

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Hubby graduates in 7 days and a wakeup! Still no orders.

Some of the guys in his class got theirs yesterday, so I had hope we would get ours before the weekend, but that didn’t happen.  Obviously nothing will happen for the next 3 days because it’s a holiday weekend, so the soonest we will know anything will be Tuesday…just 2 days and a wakeup before he graduates & drives home! I’m guessing the movers won’t be coming before Hubby gets home at this point.

Wow. This is just our own version of an Army initiation, right

God has a sense of humor, of this I have no doubt.  I know this because I am a bit of a control freak.  I’m a planner.  This is stripping me of that.  There isn’t a thing I can do to prepare.  So far since right before Hubby signed the papers, every time we think we know what direction we are going in, the Army (& God!) change plans.  Actually neither the Army nor God are changing their minds – they just didn’t do what WE were expecting. 

Now, I can’t look up directions, housing, local attractions – nothing.  Right now we are looking at a possibility of 3 different states, and given the Army, it *could* be even more, but we have 3 scenarios in front of us that we can see.  

This week I’ve been reading in Ephesians, and a couple days ago I read this:

“For He himself is our peace” – Ephesians 2:14

I can have peace about all of this because of Jesus! He knows where we are going and he has prepared the way for us.  I don’t have to know until it’s time.  I would like to know…I would REALLY like to know!  But, I can have peace because I know that HE is in control.  His ways, his thoughts and his timing are so much better than mine anyway.

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