Category: Army Life

One Week Down

Well, here we are! One week into Army life.  Of course, I’m not the one living the Army way yet.  So far it just feels like he’s on a business… Read more »

Today is the Day!

This is it! Hubby’s swearing in ceremony is this morning.  Then, he is off to the airport or bus station. We don’t know which yet. It’s ok, I figure it… Read more »

What Will I Do?

What will you do while Hubby is gone for 5 months?  I’ve heard that question a lot lately. Starting in a few days, I will spend the next 5 months… Read more »

Army Life FAQ – Part 1

Here we are…21 days away from being an Army family.   We’ve spent the last several months telling friends & family about our upcoming adventure.  Over & over we’ve heard some… Read more »