Are your words a gift?

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Right now I am sitting in Starbucks with my laptop doing some writing while Emily is enjoying a great time at Vacation Bible School on post (her first VBS with all Army kids!).  This particular Starbucks is on post and does not have Wi-Fi so I debated spending this time at McDonalds instead to use their free Wi-Fi but in the end I chose the calm music, comfy chair, living room style environment over the chaos that is McDonalds.  I can just upload this post later when I return home to the internet.

While I am enjoying my mommy moments, I am also finding myself frustrated with people’s actions and I am finding myself thinking about one of my favorite verses.

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” ~ Eph. 4:29

I also really love the way the Message says it:

“Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift.”  ~ Eph. 4:29

Today, this particular Starbucks location is having trouble with their computer system – it is down and they can only accept CASH right now.  They have placed a sign on the door (which I saw as I walked in), and they are also kindly announcing it to each group of people that come in the door.

Most people have been extremely understanding, but I have to say I am SHOCKED at the reactions of some people! I really am.  I have seen several people huff, puff and storm off letting anyone within earshot know just how upset they were.   One lady was about my age with a daughter about Emily’s age.  When she was told she could only pay in cash, she let out a loud “Ugh! Let’s GO!” as she turned on her heals and marched out of the store which had obviously just completely inconvenienced her.  I couldn’t help but be saddened at the example she was setting for her daughter, and at the same time convicted to work more on the words that come out of my own mouth.

I mean really, people!  There is another Starbucks on post, but even if there wasn’t – coffee is not a necessity.

I know – you are all wondering if someone has hacked my website and is talking crazy.  I know that I act like coffee is a necessity and I admit I’m a true addict with coffee running through my veins – but it is still very much a privilege!  It is even more of a luxury to run into a coffee shop and have someone else make it for you – the “pretty coffee” as a good friend of mine likes to call it.

Recently I heard someone say, “The most amazing thing about grace is our ability to give it out to other people.” – I think that definitely applies here.

I am often guilty of speaking out of haste – usually with those closest to me when I’m stressed – and it is something I am constantly working on.  God is good to slow down my tongue when I ask Him to and it is incredible how just taking a couple moments to breathe can change our outlook on a situation.  I want to RESPOND in love, not REACT, and certainly not OVER-react.

I want to always remember that the person in that customer service position is a working woman or mom, maybe even a single mom working two jobs, or a man trying to make ends meet after losing his retirement.  I want to remember that they are PEOPLE first, and their job title second.  They are doing a job and part of their job may be to serve me, but as a Christian it is my duty to SERVE THEM.  One way I can do that is through my encouraging words – making each word a GIFT.

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