A Whole New Life in 95 Days

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This morning Hubby officially starts his AIT class where he will learn all about his new job as a “74D – Chemical Operations Specialist” in the Army.  95 days from now, he will graduate from that class and will have orders in hand telling us where we are going to move for our first PCS.

95 days.  That sounds like a lot, but it’s really not.  It’s 13.5 weeks.  It’s twice as long as the time we just finished spending apart, and that went super fast.  95 days left living in this city.  There is a chance that we could be stationed in this state, after all there are Army posts here (we’re hoping we get to go somewhere new though!!), but there is no chance that we will live in this same city.  I’ve lived within the same 30 mile radius for the past 30 years. I’m looking forward to branching out and exploring God’s world! 

As I think about how quickly these days will go by, I wonder what places will we miss?  What local attractions do I want to see before we go?  What will leave Emily with great memories of this place that she has lived for all 6 of her years?

We are homeschooling Kindergarten, and we could choose to sit at home each day at the table doing worksheets and practicing handwriting, or even sitting on the sofa having our story time.  But I think that we need to get out and enjoy this place we are about to leave.  The zoo, the museum, the parks.  So much can be learned and taught at those places too! Sure, we’ll do school each day…it just might look a little different.  Maybe a couple times a week we’ll take our books to a new park and do our work there.  Plus, this is the perfect time of year for enjoying the fresh air and spending hours outside.

I’ve also got 95 days to finish purging through our stuff.  I really don’t want to move stuff with us (again) that we haven’t touched since we’ve been in this house (4 years).  A couple more trips to Salvation Army are in order, I think!

It’s funny, I had all these great plans for things I was going to do while Hubby was gone.  In reality though, I’ve been so incredibly busy that I haven’t had all the free time I assumed I would.  I spend the day staying so busy that once the kids are in bed, I am either trying to get some rest or catching up on chores.  I’m also trying to do my daily yoga and exercises, and take my vitamins regularly.  I just started taking my Super Lysine again too because when my body gets stressed (even good stress) or worn out tired, I get cold sores.  I’d sure like to keep those away if possible! 

This time is going to fly by! Especially with all the holidays in the middle of it.  Halloween, Thankgiving, Christmas, and then it’ll be time to go.  Guess I’ll have to take down the Christmas tree on time this year!  Last year I think it was up till Valentine’s Day 

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