A picture is worth 1000 words

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To some of you that might look like an ordinary weed – something that takes over your yard where the grass should be, something you try to get rid of.

But you would be wrong.

What I see when I look at that little flower is BEAUTY.  I think of the delicate petals, the bright color of sunshine, and happiness – pure joy, even.  I actually look forward to spring when these little flowers pop up all over the yard.


Because of this…the bigger picture.

For as long as I can remember, Emily has loved picking these flowers for me.  When she runs out to check the mail, she comes back with one for my hair.  After playing outside, she’ll come in with a handful of them and present them to me like a bouquet.  She loves to sneak up and put one in a place that will surprise me when I turn around.

Recently, she even put together an entire arrangement with sand, marbles, seashells and rose petals for me.  Isn’t it beautiful?

Seeing her joy in these little flowers brings me joy, and every time I see a dandelion I have to smile!  God uses the ordinary, and makes them extraordinary – just like He uses you and me.

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