You shouldn’t kiss me like this

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This song by Toby Keith just came on while I was chatting online with Hubby.  I miss him so much! He’s supposed to be home next Friday, but with the delay in getting orders, it’s possible that will change.  He can’t leave his current post until he gets the orders, even after he graduates.  I didn’t realize that until a couple days ago.  I figured after graduation if he didn’t have his orders, he could still come home and be getting ready to move (I know all you military wives are laughing at me, aren’t you? It’s ok!) but nope – that’s not how it works.  He just has to wait there until he has the orders and THEN he can come home and move with us.

We were starting to get really nervous because we told our landlord that we’d be out by the end of January and it’s getting too close for comfort!  We were getting afraid of what would happen if he signed a new renter and we have no way to get out of this house.  We can’t afford to move ourselves, and even if we could, where would we go?

I don’t know why we are so prone to worry.  God has this all in control and his timing is perfect.  Why is that so hard to remember in the middle of things?  Hubby and I are talking and worrying and praying about it….but you have to TRUST too.  Not just ask God to help, but fully trust that he WILL.

In fact, my daughter’s memory verse this past week was

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight.”

While we were chatting, Hubby talked to our landlord and it’s all good!  Thankfully we have a great landlord (and we’ve been good renters for 4 years!), so he’s willing to work with us.  If we have to go over our deadline, we can just pay him a week at a time in February instead of having to pay for a whole other month when we don’t need it.  Who does that?  That’s AWESOME!!! Thank you Lord!

So, I don’t know where we’re going, or exactly when, but chances are that a couple weeks from now we’ll be somewhere else.

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