40 Days To Go

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40 days to go till Hubby graduates from training and we move to our first duty station!! We still don’t know where we are going! How’s that for trusting God?  He has taken my need to be in control and turned it inside out till it turned into complete trust in HIS plan.  I’m so excited to see where He leads us.

It could be to Fort Campbell, as they mentioned already.  Or, if Hubby gets back in an Airborne unit like he wants, it could be somewhere else.  North Carolina? Alaska?  Well, we will find out sometime in the next month!  At least the Army will do all of our packing!

40 days…I know it will go by fast, yet a lot can happen in 40 days.

It’s weird when I stop and think about it.  Just 5 more Saturdays.  5 more Sundays.  Hopefully 6 if Hubby gets to come home and go to church with us between graduation and moving. 

No more trips to our favorite parks.  No more climbing on the elephant statues at the Dallas Zoo.  We’ll find new parks to love and new zoos to explore.

I’m going to miss our next door neighbors like crazy! I know God will give us new neighbors and new friends, but there are some that will stay in our hearts forever.  I am truly thankful for cell phones and email.  It means we don’t have to lose touch just because of distance.

We’ve gone to our church for 8.5 years now.  We know so many people there.  Many of the staff are our friends.  Hubby was baptized while we were there.  Our daughter was raised there.  Dedicated there.  Baptized there.  It is our church home.  No matter where we go, I know it will always be our home.  I sure am going to miss it though. 

This house.  We’ve been here for 4 years.  We’ve watched our giant oak tree grow new leaves in the Spring, and we’ve watch it shed its leaves in Autumn.  We’ve made many the piles of leaves for jumping in!

A lot of great memories here.  A lot of great experiences ahead and wonderful memories to make.

It’s exciting.  It’s scary.  It’s faith.

40 days.

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