29 Days & Counting till the Army

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Today I am 29 days away from becoming an Army wife. 

Our whole life is about to change in so many ways. It is amazing how many emotions and feelings the human body can experience all at the same time.  Excited, happy, nervous, scared, curious, joy, sadness.  I am not looking forward to Hubby being gone and my having to go to bed without him each night for about 5 months while he’s in training.  On the other hand, I have 2 very close friends who have husbands deployed right now, or about to deploy very soon.  That snaps me right back into reality!  So I really can’t complain.  In fact, I’m looking forward to getting this thing started.  We’ve been planning and preparing for this for an entire year.  Hubby signed the paperwork 7 months ago and was given end-of-August as his “ship date” (no, there is no ship…this is the Army, not the Navy).   Now that we are *this close*, I’m just ready to “Git R Done!”, as the famous Larry the Cable guy would say.

I’m looking forward to Hubby finding out exactly what this new MOS (job) will entail.  I’m looking forward to finding out where we are going to be stationed (live).  I’m looking forward to experiencing a different part of the world outside the 30-mile radius where I have spent the last 30 years of my life!

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