15 days and a wakeup to go!

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Then my Hubby will graduate from AIT, hit the road and come HOME!! I can’t wait to see him and to spend every day with him again.

We still don’t have our paper orders that will allow me to call and schedule the movers.  I keep reminding myself that a good friend of mine (another Army wife) once had 2 weeks notice that they were to move.  So, I can’t complain for a couple more days.

I’m 99% sure we know where we are going.  Hubby has even received a welcome letter from the new post.  I just won’t breath a sigh of relief until it’s in writing!  I’m REALLY excited about this post and I don’t want to get my hopes up and be disappointed.  I will be about an hour away from 2 very good friends of mine that I normally only see once a year. 

I also just want to get the movers scheduled. People keep asking exactly when we are going to be moving, and you get some weird looks when you say “I don’t know, but before the end of the month”. They probably just assume I’m not a good planner or organizer. Truth is, we’re in the Army now….no more plans!

I’m still in purge mode around here trying to sort and organize things so that the movers can pack most efficiently (translation: how *I* want them to).  I’m at a bit of a stand-still though because I only have so many places to put piles of stuff.  This coming weekend my parents will have my daughter for a while, so I’ll plan to make some good progress then.

Have I mentioned we are moving with a cat?

Emily and I went today to pick up a new cat carrier for our kitty, Angel.  We have one, but wanted a larger one for the trip so she could move around without having to tuck her tail under her at all times.  I was a little concerned because she’s only been in a carrier twice – both for trips to the vet, but I put it together and she took to it immediately.  I left the door off so she can get used to it, and she’s been playing & napping in it off and on all afternoon.

She probably won’t like it much once it’s in the car and moving.

Our vet (and friend) suggested that we take her on some trial trips around town to see how she handles it and to see if she settles down after half an hour or so.  She’s also going to hook us up with some relaxing drugs and heavy duty tranquilizers just in case our kitty freaks out while on the road.  Actually she said the tranquilizers have to be given a hour before, so we’ll have to decide that ahead of time.

We’ll have 2 days of driving, about 6-8 hours each, a night in a hotel along the way, and then 10 days of staying in a hotel or temporary housing of some sort. 

Our cat is going to loooooove us! Or not.

I plan to take a long a stash of tuna to bribe her.  It might spoil her a little, but she’s worth it.

We’re getting closer!!

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