What is 3SW?

Why is this blog called 3SW?

The 3SW stands for 3 Strands Woven, and is one of the main themes of our life. Right after we got married back in 2002, we started attending a Sunday School class at a local church.  The name of the class was called “3 Strands Woven”.  That class was a true gift from God in many ways.  We made friends in that class that are still dear friends to this day.  Rob met men who walked with him throughout our life, helped him strengthen his faith, and encouraged him as he learned to lead our family.  Stacy met women who helped her grow as a disciple of Christ, a godly wife, a mom, a homeschool teacher, and a leader of women.

The theme of the class was modeled after a verse in the book of Ecclesiastes.

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (Ecc 4:12)

God is that 3rd strand in our marriage and we have made that a priority since the day we said our vows.  He is the one who holds us together. 

We’ve used this verse as a theme not only for our marriage, but in all of our relationships. God is the 3rd strand holding us together in a relationship with our daughter, with our family members, and with our friends. We want Him to be the center of every relationship so that we can love Him and love others well. We can’t do it on our own, so He holds it all together.